Thursday 28 February 2019


Because of his skills and his solid experience, the consultant is a professional outside a company that is called upon for advice or to solve a particular problem in different fields (marketing, production, IT, human resources, finance, accounting, quality ...).

He is an expert who can carry out his activity independently, in a consulting firm or in a public body.

 IT Business Consultant


The reasons that can motivate business leaders to use an external consultant relate to its characteristics:

  • Expertise
  • Credibility
  • Objectivity
  • Confidentiality

Availability and responsiveness;


Engaging a consultant with solid experience and expertise in a particular area allows the manager to be well-advised , to benefit from new approaches and to address critical issues . This is particularly the case when one does not have within the company specialized skills in the desired field.


The trust capital available to the consultants makes them credible to the leaders who can call on them to support decisions to be taken and which fall within their fields of competence.


The consultant is an expert who must be independent of any personal interest in the exercise of his mission in order to give his opinion on the situation of the company objectively . This is not the case of a person working within the company, who may not be impartial in his decisions, especially when they have personal implications.


The consultants are bound by the obligation of confidentiality on the missions they carry out. As such, business leaders can keep confidential projects they consider strategic competitors of the company and its employees.


In general, the company does not have the internal framework available and the capabilities required to carry out a given mission. In this situation, the leaders therefore resort, for the duration of the project or the task to be carried out, to a consultant characterized by great availability and good responsiveness. Thanks to his experience, he will be able to make a quick diagnosis of the situation of the company and carry out the mission entrusted to him as soon as possible.

Source: IT Business Consultant

1 comment:

  1. Hi everyone,
    Consultant is an expert who can carry out his activity independently, in a consulting firm or in a public body through IT skills.
